Deck of Playing Cards
glue stick
metal ring or ribbon
hole punch
sheets you've created.
I found it most helpful to go on my Microsoft program and create a table: four columns by 5 rows (I copied and pasted this for 3 pages). That way I had nice little squares to type my sayings and insert my clip art. I found most of my clip art on my Microsoft program, for the other images I just looked it up on the Web, "example: skittles image (in the search box)" and then right clicked to copy image and then went back to my page and pasted it. I used fun fonts I already had that you can download for free at After I had my pages done I printed, then cut them out. Then I pasted them using a glue stick on each card. I decided to use the backs of the playing cards so it wouldn't look so cluttered. Then punch a hole in the top left corner and insert either some ribbon or a metal ring and your done!!! (you could also punch a hole in the bottom corner to make more of a book)

P.S. If any of you have any cute anniversary/valentines ideas please post them or share in the comment box! I am always in need of new and fun ideas!!!!